ICIS Eye Tracking Workshop

Dr. Franchak co-organized a pre-conference workshop on infant head-mounted eye tracking

John Franchak


July 7, 2022

During the ICIS 2022 Ottawa pre-conference day, I co-organized a workshop on infant head-mounted eye tracking with Chen Yu (UT Austin) and Irina Castellanos (Ohio State). The workshop had two parts. In the first part, a tutorial covered best practices in collecting and analyzing head-mounted eye tracking data with infant participants. The second part consisted of three talks that showcased the use of head-mounted eye tracking in infant research.

Figure. Infant wearing head-mounted eye tracker

I gave a presentation in the first part on data collection and coding, highlighting some of the tools I’ve developed to check eye tracking accuracy, import and visualize data, and perform region of interest coding. A video recording is available to watch the entire program (Chen Yu’s data analysis part got pushed to the end because of a flight delay):

We’ve created a Github repository that contains the schedule and resources to share. This Github org page links to the software packages that we discussed. Drop me a line if you end up trying out any of the software or have questions—I’m always happy to chat mobile eye tracking with friends, colleagues, or strangers!

I recorded my practice talk (didn’t think I was going to make the conference due to COVID), so I shared that as a stand-alone presentation in case the Zoom recording expires