Thanks to the Puzzle Team!

Doing research is hard but doing research with amazing people is not

Chuan Luo


August 1, 2023

Thank you for your interest in opening this news page! These are just some photo memories of a recent PhD. People celebrated my accomplishment of the dissertation project, but it was the result of the whole team (namely Team Puzzle because participants copied models in the study). I want to say thank you loudly to Faizah, the lead RA who had worked with me from freshman to senior year; Tiffany, the crisis manager who handled everything efficiently and united the team; David, a barrel of laughs, brought joy to routine boring tasks; Jocelyn, our lovely, caring, and conscientious professional; and Helen, who joined lastly but provided big momentum in wrapping up the study in time. Because of you, my graduate years became more memorable. I am so thankful for having you!

Each of us has a piece of the puzzle!

Puzzle Team (From left to right): David, Tiffany, Jocelyn, and Faizah

We broke the record!

Caution! A wrong example

The happy participant representative said I like your study. It is so warm. Hahaha

0.5 selfie is the trend

Go outing!

A creative way to use the overhead camera in the study room

After the study was done…
